Canal Compass

Starting up...

Canal Compass

 Disclaimer: Use this app / website at your own risk! Neither me, nor any other party providing software, hardware or data for for canal compass can accept any responsibility for accidents, loss or damage resulting from the use of this app / website. This is a beta version, there will be errors!

Welcome to the Canal Compass web site! The purpose of this tool ist to assist you when traveling on canals.

If you use this site on any mobile device (smartphone, tablet) then I recommend installing it as a "Progressive Web App":

Or use the website directly. (The app installation can be carried out later if desired.)

Welcome back in the App!

Let's continue with the setup:

Welcome to the Canal Compass web site. The goal of this tool is to assist you navigate channels on a boat.

Let's continue with the setup.

The installation as an app isn't possible on this browser / device. But no problem. You can just use this website.

Canal Compass uses canal data from the website CanalPlanAC

Canal Compass

Please select the geographical area of your boat travel:

Canal Compass

The app will now download some basic information for the area. Then you can continue with selection of the canals where you want to travel.

Canal Compass

 Disclaimer: Use this app / website at your own risk. Neither me, nor any other party providing software, hardware or data for for canal compass can accept any responsibility for accidents, loss or damage resulting from the use of this app / website. This is a beta version, there will be errors!

Initializing, please wait...

Sorry, an error occured:


Version: afloat...

Canal Compass uses canal data from the website CanalPlanAC

Select the canals on which you want to travel.

Select one or multiple regions, then press OK.

 Drag the red rectangle over your travel region and press the "Add" button. Repeat these steps if you want to add more canals.

 canals in 

 canals in 




 Adding too many (i.e. all) canals will increase memory usage and may slow down the app.

Getting started:

The buttons aboveat the bottom switch between different app screens. The buttons on the map switch location/map related functions. More details: 

To set a start point (optional) and a destination for navigation either click on the canal location in the map or search by name using the  button.

Then set the selected place as destination or start point using the "Waypoints" dialogue.

If your device is equipped with GPS then switch to the control screen  and enable GPS.

Control / Options

  The calculated stops are just a rough guess by a dumb computer. Please check your route for limited opening hours and whether you are actually able to moor at the indicated stops.