Navigation will use current position.
Routefinding Error Msg
You have reached your destination.
You have reached your waypoint:
You are moving away from your next waypoint. You are either reversing or have already passed the waypoint without removing it.
Route planning from Start position.
Arrival time is shown as time of day.
Time is shown as travel duration.
Map centers on current GPS location.
Map does not follow GPS position.
Markers on the map will show your estimated position after different travel times.
Time markers have been removed from the map.
Notices and stoppages in the canal network will be retrieved and shown on the map (you might have to zoom in a bit).
Refreshing notices & stoppages (online).
Notices & stoppages have been successfully updated.
The display of notices and stoppages is turned off.
No map updates. (Close this Window to resume)
Map will be updated again.
Canal Compass aims to be a simple GPS assisted guide for travelling on waterways by boat. It is a private project by Michael Donning which utilizes canal data from the website CanalPlanAC.
Important limitations:
#1: The route finding does not take your boat dimensions into account. I.e. wide beams would be directed through narrow locks.
#2: This app is not suitable for navigation in open water.
#3: While CRT notices and stoppages can be displayed, the navigation function will ignore them.
This app stores only data on your device that is technically required for its functionality. Such as cached canal data, cached map tiles, your waypoints etc.. Server access happens solely for retrieving canal related data, updating the app or getting map tiles.
You can delete the locally stored data via the Maintenance/Preferences dialogue (in the "App" tab).
Installing as an App/PWA:
This app/site can be used offline. This requires it being installed as a so called "PWA" (you find the button on the welcome screen). You find detailed information about installing a PWA on this external web page ( Installing a PWA is supported on Android and Apple iOS devices. Also on Desktop Computers when using "Chrome" or "Edge" (not Firefox).
The selected canals and place icons will be visible while being offline. Obviously, you can't import new canal data while being offline.
If you select the "OSM CC Offline" map layer, all map tiles which you view while being online will be cached in a local db for later offline use. A few area maps can also be preloaded (see the maps button in the preferences dialogue).
All navigation functions can be fully used while being offline.
Notices and Stoppages:
Notices and stoppages obviously can't be updated while being offline.
The Waypoint dialogue lets you set your travel destination and intermediates on the canals.
In the upper part you find the place which can be assigned to a waypoint or inserted between two waypoints. You can use the button to change it.
The buttons set, insert, delete, reorder switch the mode of operation.
You can assign a start waypoint if you want to plan your travel ahead. I.e. if you are not on the boat or your device has no GPS. When GPS is enabled then your current position is used instead.
Numbered Waypoints:
Intermediate waypoints let the navigation know which places have to be visited on the route. On a return route your start & destination would be the same place and the waypoint would mark the place where you turn around (wind). When traveling on a ring route you would need multiple waypoints. The app will always plan your route to the first waypoint (or destination if no other waypoints are set). If you have reached waypoint #1, then remove it to get directions to the next waypoint/destination.
Why select canals?
The app stores all the channels you want to navigate locally on the device. To reduce resource consumption of the app you usually only select the area of the network where you actually plan to travel.
The search function und place information on map click will only work for selected canals.
By region
The buttons toggle one or more regions you want to add to the selection. Finally you press OK and the canal data will be downloaded.
This mode gives you more control over the canal selection. It allows also deselection of previously loaded canals. You drag the rectangle on the map over your area of interest and add or remove the canal selection with the buttons "Add/Remove". This step can be repeated until you finally press OK to load the selected canals.
When GPS is enabled, the map screen will display some info at the current position:
Map buttons:
Zoom the map in and out | |
Either automatically track the GPS position or pan the map freely. (Panning the map also turns off the auto-track.) | |
Search a canal location by name. | |
Select the kind of map. | |
Switch the map to full screen or restore the menu screen again. | |
(Temporary) hide the map. |
Menu for accessing app dialogues and options. | |
"Dashboard" showing speed & "course" and the distance to the next place of different categories. (See ) | |
Shows travel stats of your set route between waypoints and junctions. | |
List the next places on your route with travel time and distance. This list can be filtered by clicking on the icons. (See ) | |
Calculate the overnight stops of your travel. |
Note: This function requires a set destination. The listing of places and distances assumes that you travel in the direction towards the next waypoint/destination.
To automatically plan overnight stops it is - obviously - required to set at least a destination waypoint. If you plan your travel ahead (GPS off) then you'll also need to assign a start waypoint.
The app will start with the time you plan to travel on your first and (if you have set an arrival date) last day of travel and tries to distribute the remaining travel time over the days in between.
The distance & time display to the next places is incorrect/weird:
⇒ You may have travelled past a waypoint and did not delete it. The calculations then assume that you travel back to that waypoint and then continue to your destination which may not be what you actually intended.
⇒ You can adjust your average travel speed in the preferences dialogue.
How can I switch to another geographical area:
If you want to switch to another geographical area (i.e. from "Great Britain" to "Ireland") then you'll have to delete all app data in the preferences dialogue ("App" tab). Be aware that you will also lose all other app settings.
The boat icon is pointing in the wrong direction:
The boat icon is pointing in the (average) direction in which you are actually moving with your device. Also especially when moving in open or tidal waters the boat icon will point in the direction of "course over ground (COG)" and the speed indicated will be the "speed over ground (SOG)" which can deviate due to wind and current. If your device has a compass then a blue gradient will indicate the direction in which you are pointing your device. This may be helpful. But keep in mind that compasses may show bad readings due to bad calibration of the device or metal (like the steel hull of a boat).
Something seems not to act as intended:
You can restart the app from the preferences dialogue / ("App" tab) which may often help.
If all fails then you can start all over using the "Delete All" button in the preferences.
The content of your modal.
Nullam id dolor id nibh ultricies vehicula ut id elit. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus.
Nullam id dolor id nibh ultricies vehicula ut id elit. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus.
Uncheck a canal if you want to remove it from the selection.
Keep | Name |
Cell 2 |
The following canals are excluded from selection & navigation by default. These canals are i.e. unnavigable or specific requirements have to be met. Unchecking a canal makes it available for selection in the app.
Exclude | Name |
Cell 2 |
You can preload map tiles of selected areas for offline use. This is for the map layer "CC Offline". Downloading these maps is not required but may be useful on "Wifi only" devices.
Download | Area | Size ~ |
Cell 2 | Cell 3 |
to free space on your device...
Please select the install Icon ( ) in the upper address bar of chrome.
Android should now have already prompted you to install the app. You can also select "Add to Home screen" via the menu of Chrome.
Sorry, there occured an error while installing the app. Maybe try it in another web browser in case you use a desktop PC.
Select the App install icon from the Edge adress bar or install the app via the - menu => "Apps".
You might find an option to install this app in the browser-menu or the browser's adress bar.
Now install the app icon via the "Share" -Icon on the lower border of the screen. Then select "Add to Home Screen".
Select the "Share" -Icon in the address bar of Safari. Then select "Add to Home Screen".
After you have installed the app please close this window/tab and start Canal Compass via the new Icon on your home screen / desktop.
Please wait... I'm getting the version number (online).
An update is ready, please press the update button to complete.
The PWA is up to date. (There's no newer version available.)
An error occured when checking for an update. Please try again later.
Starting up...
Disclaimer: Use this app / website at your own risk! Neither me, nor any other party providing software, hardware or data for for canal compass can accept any responsibility for accidents, loss or damage resulting from the use of this app / website. This is a beta version, there will be errors!
Welcome to the Canal Compass web site! The purpose of this tool ist to assist you when traveling on canals.
If you use this site on any mobile device (smartphone, tablet) then I recommend installing it as a "Progressive Web App":
Or use the website directly. (The app installation can be carried out later if desired.)
Welcome back in the App!
Let's continue with the setup:
Welcome to the Canal Compass web site. The goal of this tool is to assist you navigate channels on a boat.
Let's continue with the setup.
The installation as an app isn't possible on this browser / device. But no problem. You can just use this website.
Canal Compass uses canal data from the website CanalPlanAC
Please select the geographical area of your boat travel:
The app will now download some basic information for the area. Then you can continue with selection of the canals where you want to travel.
Disclaimer: Use this app / website at your own risk. Neither me, nor any other party providing software, hardware or data for for canal compass can accept any responsibility for accidents, loss or damage resulting from the use of this app / website. This is a beta version, there will be errors!
Initializing, please wait...
Sorry, an error occured:
Version: afloat...
Canal Compass uses canal data from the website CanalPlanAC
Select one or multiple regions, then press OK.
Drag the red rectangle over your travel region and press the "Add" button. Repeat these steps if you want to add more canals.
canals in
canals in
Adding too many (i.e. all) canals will increase memory usage and may slow down the app.
The buttons aboveat the bottom switch between different app screens. The buttons on the map switch location/map related functions. More details:
To set a start point (optional) and a destination for navigation either click on the canal location in the map or search by name using the button.
Then set the selected place as destination or start point using the "Waypoints" dialogue.
If your device is equipped with GPS then switch to the control screen and enable GPS.
The calculated stops are just a rough guess by a dumb computer. Please check your route for limited opening hours and whether you are actually able to moor at the indicated stops.